
Book an appointment

Dear Patients,

WE ARE NOW OPEN for ALL YOUR dental needs!  If you had an appointment affected by the coronavirus, over the next couple of weeks we will be reaching out to reschedule.  If you have a scheduled appointment upcoming, we will be calling to confirm your appointment.

Safety is always our number one focus. As your dental care team, we practice universal precautions as outlined by CDC and OSHA standards of infection control. Our high standard of care ensures that your trust and safety are never compromised. We know that now, moving forward, our commitment to your safety is even more important to you. We are taking extended measures to further protect all our patients and team by following additional protocols.


Below are some of the new protocols that we have adopted. All of the changes are an endeavor to protect our patient’s health and safety and to maintain a sterilized, safe office environment. Although your visit to Smiling Oak might feel a bit different, we assure you that you will be treated in a safe and effective manner!


Before making an appointment please make sure that you have not answered “yes” to any of the health screening questions listed below.

Also, before arriving for your appointment, please call the office and report any changes to your insurance coverage.

Please mention any changes to your health that might affect the way we treat you as a dental patient.

Dr. Gardner or Dr. Herbert are happy to speak with you about your health concerns.


When you arrive for your appointment, we ask that you stay in your vehicle and call our office 843-884-0335. We will open the door and guide you to the proper room.


We will ask if your health has changed since answering the pre-appointment screening questions. A sample of this form will be on the website.

Here are some of the things that you might notice that we have added to our infection control procedures. You may notice that some of us are wearing knee-length disposable gowns. You will also notice a glass barrier between the waiting room and the front desk office area. The actual dental procedure may be different in that we may use a variety of techniques to reduce aerosolization. At the end of your appointment, we will provide post-op instructions as usual. Please call our office if you have any questions about your post-op care. On your way out of the office, we ask that you avoid any of the public areas in the office, including the restroom, and return to your vehicle. Should you need to settle a co-payment, please call our office to make payment arrangements over the phone. We feel that this is a very impersonal protocol! We thank you for your patience and understanding during these new circumstances.

Please know that we feel that the best part of our job is interacting with our patients. However, at this phase of the “recovery“  process, it is prudent to limit the amount of contact between patient and administrative staff. Therefore, if you have any questions regarding billing or insurance we ask that you call the office and attempt to resolve the issue over the phone.

Thank you for your understanding and patience through this phase of the re-opening process.



Smiling Oak Dentistry

Click here for COVID-19 Pandemic Dental Treatment Consent Form

Click here for Health Screening Questionnaire